Back to Hogwarts

I think my all time favorite lessons thus far were Welcome to Hogwarts and Accio Toddler Activities– the activities are so much fun you don’t even feel like you’re doing school!!! They’re also my most popular- I’m guessing it’s because there aren’t many learning activities out there for Potter fans with very young children, soContinue reading “Back to Hogwarts”

Popcorn and PJs

Lights, camera, ACTION! Get ready for some fun movie and popcorn themed activities with your little this week! Also, this will be my very last toddler post- my youngest is turning 3 and has moved away from toddler exploration and more towards working on preschool skills like letter recognition and counting. If you have aContinue reading “Popcorn and PJs”

Rainbow Fish

Sharing, kindness, inclusion, friendship, honesty. These are the ideals taught in Marcus Pfister’s “The Rainbow Fish” books- and who doesn’t want their toddler to be a kind, inclusive friend who is honest and shares well? Dive into these books with us this week as we explore and learn through rainbow and fish themed activities thatContinue reading “Rainbow Fish”

Little Champions

The Olympics are finally here! I’m so excited to watch them on TV and teach my littles all about the world coming together for some fun and friendly competition! To get your littles excited about the games, here are some fun crafts and learning ideas that are centered around the Summer Olympics! Go for theContinue reading “Little Champions”

Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy

My littles both love to fish (which makes sense seeing as my husband loves the sport so much he has a whole cupboard full of lures and too many poles to count!) so I thought it would be fun to do a fishing themed week of learning! Come dive in with us as we learnContinue reading “Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy”

Little Builders

My youngest has been into building with any and every type of block for about a year now! His all time favorite are Magnetiles, but he loves traditional blocks and of course Lego Duplos too! This week I thought it would be fun for us to do all the activities surrounding these versatile giant LegoContinue reading “Little Builders”

Super Kids

If your little loves super heroes you’ve landed in the right spot! I feel like there are so many heroes out there nowadays, littles of all ages usually end up into one or another at some point! For these plans I mostly stuck to generic super heroes with a few specific ones like PJ MasksContinue reading “Super Kids”

Sunshine and Lollipops

Popsicles, watermelon, ice cream, and the 4th of July- summer is upon us and this week we’re diving in to all the summer themed activities! If you’d like to focus in more on the 4th of July this week, you can check out my blog from last year “4th of July Boredom Busters” for lotsContinue reading “Sunshine and Lollipops”

Rockets, Disney and Fun in the Sun

Florida is the number 1 state for vacationing and it’s so easy to see why! From beautiful sandy beaches to the awe inspiring Kennedy Space Center to the natural beauty of the everglades and the man made magic of Disney World there is just SO much to see and do! Even if Florida isn’t onContinue reading “Rockets, Disney and Fun in the Sun”

Treasure Chests and Mermaid Tails

Ever since Disney released “The Little Mermaid” when I was 8 I’ve been hooked…and my littles love to play pirates so I knew with summer coming up a “pirates and mermaids” theme was a must-do in our house! Dive in with us this week as we hunt for treasure and find mermaid magic under theContinue reading “Treasure Chests and Mermaid Tails”

Aloha Summer!

My preschooler was totally in to Moana as a two year old- I mean, to the point where he would correct me if I called him by his name by saying, “No Mama, I Maui!” He even had the Maui scowl down…and Maui’s giant hook…which he slept with! hahaha My current toddler hasn’t seen MoanaContinue reading “Aloha Summer!”

Kiddie Construction Site

My youngest little is VERY much in to all things construction! Books, toy tools, construction vehicles, blocks- if it’s related to building, he’s all about it! I knew that he would love a construction site based week of learning (I mean, I’ve read him the book “Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site” so many times I practicallyContinue reading “Kiddie Construction Site”

Little World Traveler: Part 2

Here’s the second set of my little world traveler plans- including activities from the continents of Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica! If you missed the first half, go back to my original post Little World Traveler: Part 1 for activities from North America, South America, and Europe. Happy “traveling”! –Asia: Thailand: I read the bookContinue reading “Little World Traveler: Part 2”

Little World Traveler: Part 1

Not only are diverse cultures a beautiful and fascinating thing, I think it’s very important to teach them to your little, and now is as good a time as any! After all, perceptions regarding cultural differences are typically solidified by age 12, and most of your child’s brain is fully developed after 3 years, soContinue reading “Little World Traveler: Part 1”

Ewoks and Wookiees and Banthas- Oh My!

Star Wars day is just so much fun! It’s a great franchise (I can’t WAIT to take the boys to the Star Wars part of Hollywood Studios after they get vaccinated against Covid!) and there are so many fun food and craft ideas out there, I figured why not take a week to do someContinue reading “Ewoks and Wookiees and Banthas- Oh My!”

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

It’s so important to teach littles how to care for their bodies, even at a young age, so this week I decided to do several activities that are healthy body focused. My older little is learning about the body systems, but even young toddlers can start learning how to do things like brush their teeth,Continue reading “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”

Every Day is Earth Day

I love Earth day! Caring for the planet is something that I think is so important- and seriously so easy to do. All of us can shut off the lights when we leave a room, turn off the TV if nobody is watching, not run the water while brushing our teeth, and sort recycling fromContinue reading “Every Day is Earth Day”

Little Ladybugs

What’s cute, red, has black spots and can fly? Ladybugs of course! Ladybugs are just so cute- and their fun black spots make it SO easy to come up with learning activities centered around them- especially art and counting! Since spring is in the air, I thought it would be a great time to doContinue reading “Little Ladybugs”

Fun with Flowers

Down here in the south it’s definitely springtime! The weather is (mostly) warmer, our crepe myrtles are starting to sprout leafy branches, the magnolia trees are budding and flowers that were dormant for our short winter are blooming in our yard…plus it’s raining pollen instead of water and making us all wonder if it’s allergiesContinue reading “Fun with Flowers”

Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

Can you believe Easter is almost here again? It’s so strange to think last year we were all a little sad to celebrate Easter at home because everything was still closed due to Covid- but here we are again a year later and we’ve all sort of settled into that “stay at home” routine (well,Continue reading “Hopping Down the Bunny Trail”

Wee Leprechauns

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya and your wee lads and lasses too! Even though St. Patrick’s Day was on Wednesday and I usually do holiday plans with my littles a week early so they’re in your hands for the actual holiday, I got my dates confused (I THOUGHT St. Patty’s was on the 17th!)Continue reading “Wee Leprechauns”

Radiant Rainbows

Somewheeeere over the rainbow blue biiiiiirds flyyyyyyyyy! Oh hey there! Welcome to my toddler rainbow activities post! Both of my boys (and most of the adults I know) marvel at rainbows whenever they appear. They’re just so beautiful and wonderous, aren’t they? Not only a promise from God to never flood the whole Earth again,Continue reading “Radiant Rainbows”


My toddler has been obsessed with chickens since he turned 1, and both my boys are huge tractor fans so I knew we had to do a farm week sooner or later! Since spring is on the way, I figured now would be a great time! So get ready to get muddy and learn aboutContinue reading “E-I-E-I-O!”


With Dr. Seuss books I’m like “I can read them here or there, I can read them anywhere!” They are truly gems in the world of kids’ books! Not only are they whimsical and fun, but Dr. Seuss was a revolutionary in the area of early childhood literacy in that many of his books areContinue reading “Seussville”

God Made a Rainbow

Our God is creative. When making people, He didn’t decide to create just one skin tone, but thousands, and He loves every. single. one. of us the same. It’s so important to teach this to even our youngest children on a day to day basis- not just during the month of February. The best wayContinue reading “God Made a Rainbow”

Won’t You Be My Neighbor

My toddler LOVES the show “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood”- and let’s be honest- with all of its sweet little lessons on kindness, dealing with big emotions, and pretty much every other issue toddlers and preschoolers face- so do I! I seriously have several of the jingles memorized to use with my boys when issues arise (“Stop!Continue reading “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”

Love is in the Air!

I just LOVE Valentine’s Day! I think it’s wonderful that we’ve set aside a special day each year to celebrate the gift of love that God has given us! It’s a wonderful opportunity to show family and friends how much they mean to you- and to teach your littles to love themselves, God, their friendsContinue reading “Love is in the Air!”


Dinosaurs are such crazy fascinating creatures, aren’t they? Both of my boys love them, so I knew we had to do a dino themed week of learning at some point- and it seemed like now was as good a time as any! We hope you’ll stomp along with us through these prehistoric activities and haveContinue reading “Rawr!”

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!

My toddler loves trains! The whistle, the clatter, the cars filled with fun treasures- he is totally into all of it, so of course I knew we had to do a week of train themed learning! So climb aboard and let’s learn about locomotives! –Train car name spelling: This activity from Toddler Approved was soContinue reading “Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!”

Winter Wonderland

It’s been winter for a few weeks, but with all of the Christmassy fun we’ve been having, we haven’t had time to stop and properly enjoy this season- until now! This week’s lessons are full of snowy, cozy wintery fun perfect for toddlers and preschoolers alike! So bundle up and let’s go! –Winter cotton ballContinue reading “Winter Wonderland”

3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

Even from an early age, kids are interested in space. Both of my boys were obsessed with finding the moon as babies, and as they grew, they became interested in rocket ships, planets and stars too. Even as an adult, I find space fascinating and never cease to be humbled by the new things IContinue reading “3 2 1 BLAST OFF!”

Frosty Fun

Frooooosty the snowman was a jolly, happy soul! Hi everyone! Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break! Now that the most wonderful time of the year is behind us (TIME of the year…not the most wonderful year because we all know 2020 was rough! LoL), we’re going to jump into someContinue reading “Frosty Fun”

Preschool Art (Im)Perfection

I know I’m not the only parent out there who watches their little write letters and color and create art and is inwardly kind of having a panic attack and has to bite their tongue because “they’re not doing it right” (ever built a gingerbread house with your preschooler? Then you know exactly what I’mContinue reading “Preschool Art (Im)Perfection”

Joy to the World!

Welcome to the most wonderful blog post of the year- toddler Christmas activities! I just love this time of year, especially with littles! It’s the sweetest thing ever to experience Christmas magic through their eyes and there’s no better way to kick off the Christmas season than with some fun crafts and sensory play activities!Continue reading “Joy to the World!”

So Long As We Have Hands To Clasp

Wah whoooo doray, da who doray! Welcome Christmas bring your cheer! Oh, sorry about that! (were you singing in your head like me as you read the words? LoL) Welcome to Grinch week- toddler style! The Grinch is one of my favorite Christmas stories, so naturally we had to do a week of fun learningContinue reading “So Long As We Have Hands To Clasp”

Little Deers

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again, and I just can’t WAIT to jump in to some fun Christmas themed learning over the next few weeks! To start, we’re going to be doing everything reindeer- after all, how else would Santa deliver all of his gifts if it wasn’t for the help ofContinue reading “Little Deers”

Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving is already upon us, and although I know most people take a break from school during this week, I figured you might need some fun activities to keep your littles occupied while you madly cook 863 dishes in the kitchen (especially since the Macy’s Parade is canceled this year! Dang you Covid!!!) So grabContinue reading “Gobble Gobble”

Native American Culture- for Toddlers!

Although I believe people of color should be celebrated and included in the curriculum year round, Thanksgiving time is a great time of year to zoom in more closely on Native American culture. The first Thanksgiving was one of the few peaceful events regarding the Europeans’ treatment of the American Natives, so of course itContinue reading “Native American Culture- for Toddlers!”

It’s Pumpkin Season!

Halloween is over and the holiday season is on the horizon- which means food, family and of course PUMPKINS! Although pumpkins may traditionally be a Halloween/Jack-o-Lantern type thing, we decorate with these cute fruits all fall long, so of course we had to break out some activities to celebrate their adorable orange roundness too! YouContinue reading “It’s Pumpkin Season!”


Although the idea of voting may be way over our toddlers’ heads, I still think it’s important to introduce our children to the democratic process of voting at a young age. Since having my second baby, I usually do mail-in ballots (because honestly it’s WAY more relaxing to look up all the lesser known candidatesContinue reading “Vote!”


Halloween is right around the corner, so I thought we’d kick it off with some spooktacular Halloween learning activities! We’ll still be celebrating Halloween this year, but in a Covid-safe way…it’s one of my favorite holidays, so opting out wasn’t an option! (Check out my list of safe trick-or-treating alternatives in my blog post PandemicContinue reading “BOO!”

Pandemic Friendly Halloween Ideas

Real talk. We are still in the middle of a pandemic. 220,000+ people have died in the United States alone as of this writing, and the numbers are still ticking upwards- and probably will until they’ve developed and tested a safe vaccine. If I’m completely honest with you, even I had a lapse in judgementContinue reading “Pandemic Friendly Halloween Ideas”

Beautiful Bats

We’re already going batty at our house for Halloween, which is just a few weeks away, so I thought a bat theme would be a perfect way to tie in some spooky fun to our learning this week! Swoop on in and check it out! –Bat light box: Ever since I discovered this activity onContinue reading “Beautiful Bats”

Aaaahhh! Spiders!

I do not like spiders. They’re unpredictable. And they bite. And their webs are about the creepiest thing to accidentally walk into on the planet. But- since it’s officially October I thought they would be a fun theme to start off with this month in all its scary, creepy crawly glory! So without further adieu-Continue reading “Aaaahhh! Spiders!”

Cozy up to the Campfire

There’s just something cozy and comforting about camping in the fall time- the pretty changing leaves making a roof over your head, the chill in the air warded off by the warm campfire, hot gooey s’mores melting all over your fingers. Some people think of camping as a summer activity, but my favorite time toContinue reading “Cozy up to the Campfire”

Apples, Apples, Apples!

This week we dove right in to more fall themed activities with a super yummy and fun apple week! Nothing says fall quite like nice, crisp apples (except maybe pumpkins, but I’m saving those for October!) and we had a blast sorting them, counting them and of course eating them! So join us in theContinue reading “Apples, Apples, Apples!”

Autumn Leaves and a Nice Cool Breeze

I absolutely love fall! It’s my very favorite time of year with all my favorite holidays on the horizon, the beautiful colors, the warm cozy scents, and ALL the super fun toddler crafts and activities that go along with everything! I’m so excited to share these with you guys- and prepare yourselves for tons moreContinue reading “Autumn Leaves and a Nice Cool Breeze”

Happily Ever After

Fairy tales are great simple stories to start your toddler on, so this week we’ll be reading several from the book “A Treasury of Five Minute Stories” and doing projects that go along with them- from castle building with blocks to a “Princess and the Pea” sensory bin, I hope you have fun playing happilyContinue reading “Happily Ever After”

A World of Color

Teaching your toddler their colors is probably one of the first things you’ll do since they’re so fun and easy to notice and point out. Since we’re doing crayon week with my older little, I figured this was a perfect time to focus in on learning about color with our youngest! He’s already pointing colorsContinue reading “A World of Color”

Tot School

Even though toddlers are too little to go to “real” school, I thought it would be fun to do some back to school activities with my littlest learner this week to go along with his brother’s back to school themed learning! He’s really been into identifying colors and counting lately (I sang him “1, 2,Continue reading “Tot School”

Two Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Get ready for aaaall the monkey crafts, snacks, and fun activities this week! Our theme is the jungle and my little monkeys certainly had a blast swinging through one last summery theme before “school” officially starts! –“5 Little Monkeys” with puppets: Back before Covid, our amazing local librarian Miss Sue used to do a toddlerContinue reading “Two Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”

Staying “Buzzy” this Summer

It’s summertime, flowers are in full bloom and busy bees are buzzing everywhere gathering nectar and spreading pollen- so I figured why not do some activities celebrating these tiny but important creatures! –Flying bee balloon: Blow up a yellow balloon and use a black sharpie to decorate it like a bee (or have your littleContinue reading “Staying “Buzzy” this Summer”

Splish, Splash- Water (and Sunshine!) Based Sensory Play

I think almost every toddle baby loves to play in the water, so this week we did some super fun (and soggy) water play activities! Don’t forget the sun block! –Bunch O Balloons: I am obsessed with these things! They come with 3 bunches of 35 water balloons that you just slap on your hoseContinue reading “Splish, Splash- Water (and Sunshine!) Based Sensory Play”

Ice Cream, Ice Cream: Play for Toddlers

Lets be honest- for a toddler, pretty much every mealtime is sensory play! So why not bust out the ice cream and let your kiddo have fun feeling the cold temperature, the smooth texture and enjoying the yummy taste! Below you’ll find instructions for doing just that, along with other ice cream themed sensory playContinue reading “Ice Cream, Ice Cream: Play for Toddlers”