
Although the idea of voting may be way over our toddlers’ heads, I still think it’s important to introduce our children to the democratic process of voting at a young age. Since having my second baby, I usually do mail-in ballots (because honestly it’s WAY more relaxing to look up all the lesser known candidatesContinue reading “Vote!”

Apples, Apples, Apples!

This week we dove right in to more fall themed activities with a super yummy and fun apple week! Nothing says fall quite like nice, crisp apples (except maybe pumpkins, but I’m saving those for October!) and we had a blast sorting them, counting them and of course eating them! So join us in theContinue reading “Apples, Apples, Apples!”

Autumn Leaves and a Nice Cool Breeze

I absolutely love fall! It’s my very favorite time of year with all my favorite holidays on the horizon, the beautiful colors, the warm cozy scents, and ALL the super fun toddler crafts and activities that go along with everything! I’m so excited to share these with you guys- and prepare yourselves for tons moreContinue reading “Autumn Leaves and a Nice Cool Breeze”